How to Use Saffron Threads?
Before using saffron, you have to prepare the saffron threads. One of the most common ways of preparing and using saffron threads is to crush the threads and soak them in water or any other liquid. Crushing and soaking saffron threads extracts the most flavour from the threads, so it’s highly recommended.
- Using a mortar and pestle, grind the saffron threads you wish to use for a culinary recipe into a powder form. You can crush and crumble the threads between your fingers if you do not own a mortar and pestle.
- For 20 to 30 minutes, steep the crushed saffron in warm milk, stock, water, or white wine. If your recipe calls for a liquid, add a tiny amount of the liquid mentioned in the instructions.
- Incorporate saffron threads and the soaking liquid into the recipe as required.
Preparing Saffron Threads
Another way of preparing saffron threads for usage is by toasting them. This method is more frequently used for paella dishes and recipes. To do this, first, place a cast-iron skillet over medium heat on the stove. In the heated skillet, add the saffron threads.
Cook for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring often. The saffron threads should give off an even stronger scent, but make sure they do not burn. Allow the saffron threads to cool somewhat before using a mortar and pestle to crush the toasted saffron threads. This powder can be steeped or added to the recipe right away.
Other Soluttion
If you’re in a rush and don’t necessarily have the time or can put in the effort to prepare your saffron threads, you can just crumble them and add them directly to your dish. While it’s not recommended to do this, it is possible to use this method if large amounts of liquid are required in the recipe you are making use of.
It should also be noted that if you purchased ground saffron, it should be added directly into the dishes instead of being soaked or toasted, as mentioned above.

How to Store Saffron Threads?
Saffron should be kept in a clean, airtight container at all times. When fresh saffron is exposed to high amounts of moisture and humidity for an extended time, it loses its qualities and properties. Saffron that has been exposed to oxygen suffers the same fate.
Once your saffron is placed in a proper container, keep it cold and dry away from direct sunlight. The best choice is to store the container in a kitchen cabinet that is not directly under the countertop and is not exposed to sunlight. Additionally, because metal rapidly absorbs heat, utilize a wardrobe or drawers made of wood.
Don’t store saffron in the fridge.
It should be mentioned that if stored properly, saffron can last for more than two years. However, using the saffron you own within two years of purchase is desirable, as it will begin to lose its properties after that time. Many people like to keep saffron in the refrigerator.
However, storing saffron in the refrigerator is not recommended and should be avoided, mainly if you use it frequently. Condensation will form if you constantly move saffron in and out of the fridge. As a result, you can expect an increase in moisture, which will eventually degrade the properties of your saffron threads.
It is not a complicated or impossible task to store saffron. You only need a clean, airtight container and a suitable storage location. Use high-quality, pure saffron from the ABC website to ensure that your fresh saffron lasts a long time and that you use all of its advantages.
Benefits of Saffron Threads
Although it isn’t common knowledge, saffron has a few healing properties, especially when it comes to calming your mood and helping you overcome your depressive symptoms. Several pieces of research have been carried out, which have ultimately proven that saffron is indeed able to boost your mood.
Having saffron supplements daily has proven more effective in treating mild and moderate depressive symptoms than other alternatives.
May to reduce depression.
Regularly taking saffron supplements or having them daily will help you feel full, eliminating your issue of frequent snacking. This, in turn, will help you lose weight significantly faster than before you took saffron supplements. Saffron supplements also substantially reduce excess body fat and waist circumference and help regulate your Body Mass Index (BMI).
Saffron threads are known for carrying certain antioxidants, which are mainly crocin, safranal, and picrocrocin. Regular consumption of saffron supplements can help you fight oxidative stress inside your body. This benefits an individual’s overall health, including tackling many life-threatening conditions such as cancer and heart disease.
Where Can I Buy Saffron Threads In Australia?
If you’re looking to purchase premium quality, A-grade saffron threads in Australia, then your best option is to get them from the ABC website. We supply 100% pure saffron threads of exceptional quality to our customers with a distinct aroma and taste.
Where to find saffron threads
Saffron can be commonly found in grocery stores or farmers’ markets. However, if you’re unsure of venturing to such places, you can effortlessly search for them online. Multiple brands and sellers supply saffron threads on the internet.
However, if you’re looking for a reputable place where you can buy 100% pure and original threads, then feel free to head over to our website. Saffron au supplies only the finest quality and premium saffron threads to our customers with unmatched quality. Prioritize quality over quantity, and give our imported saffron threads a try.